British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships

This scheme is designed to enable outstanding early career scholars to obtain experience of research and teaching in the university environment, which will strengthen their curriculum vitae and improve their prospects of obtaining permanent posts by the end of the fellowship.  Awards are for three years and applicants must be within three years of their successful viva examination – though exemption may be granted for reasons occurring after the date of the viva voce examination such as: maternity leave, illness, family commitments etc.  Please note that unsuccessful applicants are not permitted to re-apply unless invited by the BA to do so.


We are keen to encourage prospective Postdoctoral Fellows from outside Oxford to explore the possibility of applying through the Humanities Division, as well as those currently based here. Initially, you should make contact with the person at Oxford who you would like to be your mentor and ask if they would be prepared to undertake this role. Once they have agreed, follow the steps to obtain approval from the relevant Faculty to make the application (see below).

Please note: Mentors are not expected to make any input into expressions of interest at the Faculty selection stage.

If you are interested in applying through Oxford for a BA Postdoctoral Fellowship, the first step is to submit an expression of interest to the relevant Faculty.  The deadlines and requirements for each of the Faculties in the Humanities will be listed here in the summer.

(For Social Sciences, please contact the relevant departmental administrator: 


Faculty Procedures for 2024-25 Competition Round


Asian & Middle Eastern Studies - 12 noon on Monday 29 July 2024


Classics - 12 noon on Friday 2 August 2024


English - Wednesday 31 July 2024


History - Wednesday 31 July 2024


Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics - 12 noon on Monday 29 July 2024


Medieval & Modern Languages - 12 noon on Monday 22 July 2024


Music - 8am on Monday 12 August 2024


Oxford Uehiro Centre - 12 noon on Wednesday 7 August


Philosophy - 12 noon on Wednesday 7 August 2024


Theology & Religion - 12 noon on Monday 22 July 2024


Voltaire Foundation - 7 August 2024



For any queries, please contact 

The Faculty where you wish to hold the Fellowship will review your expression of interest.  If they are supportive of you making an application to the scheme, a Research Facilitator will work with you on your application.

We will run a workshop in September where we will work through the different parts of the application, and also discuss aspects such objective setting, writing a methodology, workplan and outputs in detail. Once approved by your faculty you will receive an invite to register for this.

The internal deadline for submitting applications via the BA’s Flexi-Grant system will be 5 working days before the external BA deadline – this is to allow time for institutional approval of your application, a requirement by the British Academy.

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