Once you’ve identified any problems in your sample, you need to make a plan to fix these across the whole website or mobile app.
This involves talking to people who know how long things will take to fix and how difficult each fix might be.
Talk to:
- suppliers, about the technology behind your website
- developers who know about the code for your website
- content editors, publishers or people who edit the text and documents on your website
Think about the impact of each thing you’re fixing to help you prioritise. For example, it’s probably more benefit to your users that essential services meet accessibility standards than out-of-date campaigns.
Build accessibility improvements into your processes, budgeting and long term planning.
Create a roadmap
When you’ve worked out your priorities, it helps to make a high level plan or roadmap to show how you’ll meet accessibility standards.
Plan for opportunities to improve the accessibility of your website or mobile app. For example, if you’re appointing a new supplier or making changes to a section of your website.