MSt in Film Aesthetics

The degree equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary for analysing film as an art form. It concentrates on film criticism, detailed film analysis, film theory, and film-philosophy and teaches the history and the contemporary developments in the scholarly literature relating to these aspects. It encourages thoughtful and imaginative engagement with film as a medium and with individual films. Teaching is delivered primarily through classes, but also through individual supervision.

Further information and guidance on the admissions process can be found here.

Course structure

Term1 Language and style of film criticism, Methods of film analysis and theory.
Term 2 4 units, each covering topics on types of filmmaking or film theory topics.
Term 3 Dissertation.

Course Content

The degree may include the following content taught by specialists from a variety of disciplines:

  • Film Form
  • Aesthetic Evaluation
  • Interpretation and Criticism
  • Classic and Contemporary Film Theory
  • Concepts in Film History
  • Study of a Single Director
  • Film and Modernism
  • Contemporary Theories of Spectatorship - Embodiment, Ethics and Politics
  • The Film-Philosophy of Stanley Cavell

A practical one-week course takes place at the beginning of the first term; this is introductory and applicants should note that thereafter the degree is not a practical one.


  • Two long essays (6,000 - 7,000 words each)
  • A dissertation (10,000 - 12,000 words)

Prof Andrew Klevan (English)
Dr Reidar Due (Medieval and Modern Languages)
Prof Nikolaj Lübecker (Medieval and Modern Languages)
Prof Guido Bonsaver (Medieval and Modern Languages)

Find out more

Admissions Pages

Course code: TS_FA1

Length: 9 months, full-time

Course Handbook 2024-25